The Test Aircraft Unit

(TAU) gave radsafe briefings for all TG 7.4

aircrews and maintained the specialized radiac equipment installed in its

The TAU also performed the aerial sample filter installation,

removal, and packaging.

Annex N to JTF 7 Operation Order 3-53

(see Appendix A)

specified and

directed that two .evels of training -- basic indoctrination and technical
-- be required, but allowed each task group to vary the scope of instruction according to the group's operational requirements.

Basic indoctri-

nation included nontechnical instruction in radiological measures and

Such instruction was to be given to all task force personnel

to encourage efficient performance of duties within the allowable exposure
levels for radioactive contaminants.

Technical training was required of

all personnel who staffed the task force radsafe organizations and performed the monitoring and other technical operations, such as decontamination and instrument repair.

The technical instruction was to be obtained

through existing service courses and at training sessions established at
the task group level.
Little information has been found on the level of instruction or the

content of the basic indoctrination given by the various task groups; the
course instituted by the Army

(described on p. 92)

is probably representa-

tive, however.

The technical radsafe group depended on obtaining

from the AEC and the services both trained personnel and the specialized
training the task group required.

The sources for technically qualified

health physics personnel were the Health Division of Los Alamos Scientific

Laboratory (LASL) and special organizations within the Department of Defense


In the interim between IVY and CASTLE, the Department of the

Army authorized the Chief Chemical Officer to establish the lst Radsafe
Support Unit (RSSU) with the mission of supporting test operations at both

the Nevada and Pacific Proving Grounds.

This organization was established

Select target paragraph3