Their duties were to oversee and evaluate compliance of individual units
with task group radsafe requirements.
In addition to providing their own radsafe monitors
airborne monitor for each TG 7.3 multiengine aircraft)

(including one
and radiac equip-

(with responsibility for its repair and calibration)

TG 7.3 provided:

Monitors and decontamination crews aboard each ship
within the task group
Facilities for personnel decontamination on the Bairoko
Facilities for the radsafe unit (Radsafe Center) of
TG 7.1 when the task force was embarked
Decontamination crews and facilities for all aircraft

at Bikini Atoll

Decontamination crews and facilities for TG 7.3 aircraft aboard the Bairoko at Enewetak Atoll; limited
assistance ashore was furnished by CTG 7.4 as required
Helicopter air service for radiological surveys and
postshot recovery operations (monitors furnished by

TG 7.1)

Collection of lagoon water samples for radioactivity
Water-spray equipment aboard all vessels likely to be
in the fallout area
Air-to-ground reporting of approximate air radiation
intensities encountered by all aircraft operating between Enewetak and Bikini from H-hour to H+24 during

the Bikini phase.


Within TG 7.4, each of the three subordinate units

shown in Figure 15 had specific operational responsibiities.
Support Unit (TSuU)

The Test

responsibilities were:

Provision of helicopter and liaison air service for
radiological surveys and postshot recovery operations
with monitors furnished by TG 7.1; monitors also gave
full mission instructions
Provision of radiac equipment, decontamination equip~
ment, and protective clothing throughout TG 7.4
Maintenance of TG 7.4 radiac equipment (repair, spare
parts, calibration)


Select target paragraph3