accomplish the unit mission independently.

TU 7 personnel moved between

the two centers as the radiological situation warranted.
Subcenters of the Bikini Radsafe Center were established aboard a
barge adjacent to the USNS Fred C.
aboard the USS Estes.


aboard the USS Curtiss,


These substations were primarily control and per-

sonnel decontamination points for TG 7.1 and TG 7.5.
Since the concept of subcenters had not been considered in initial
staffing procurement plans, full staffing was not available.

TU 7 per-

sonnel were thinly scattered throughout, reducing their effectiveness in
some areas, but this did permit decentralized and controlled recovery

Dual communications between the Bairoko Radsafe Center and the subcenters were maintained by the task group administrative net and a dedicated
frequency radsafe net.

These nets permitted direct communication between

control points and the dosimetry record unit aboard the Bairoko.

The Decontamination Group of TU 7 was to provide for

the protection of personnel against radiological contamination and to establish effective contamination control.

The following arrangements were

made for this:

Personnel decontamination stations were set up at the
Parry Radsafe Center, aboard the Bairoko and the
Curtiss, and aboard a barge alongside the Ainsworth


Equipment decontamination areas were demarcated at


Entry and exit checkpoints were established at Parry,
aboard the Bairoko and the Curtiss, and aboard a barge
alongside the Ainsworth.

Laboratory Analysis.

The Laboratory Group provided technical assist-

ance to the Radiation Control and Decontamination Groups and laboratory
services to all JTF 7 radsafe organizations.

The group maintained all

radsafe instrumentation for JTF 7 and processed and interpreted all film



Select target paragraph3