Operation CASTLE.

A Radsafe Office was located in Hq JTF 7 with ultimate

responsibility for the CASTLE radsafe program.
to be the

primary task force

This office was designed

shot-time authority for

requiring headquarters staff action and for

all radsafe matters

all radsafe information af-

fecting various operational decisions that were expected to arise.


functions of the office included preparation and presentation of the radsafe portion of the command briefings before a shot and continual reconnaissance of the area to determine the relatively close-in and long-range
fallout aspects after a shot.

Additional responsibilities involved the

necessary liaison with representatives of the Hq USAF; with the Atomic
Energy Commission

(AEC) Health and Safety Laboratory, New York Operation:

(HASL, NYKOPO); with the task force Biomedical Advisor and Staff

Surgeon; and with other special advisors to CJTF 7.

Figure 12 shows the

organization and functions of the task force Radsafe Office.
Each task group established a self-sufficient radsafe unit.

In addi-

tion to routine task group radsafe matters, each task group radsafe unit
provided some general support to the joint task force.
functions were as follows:

These support



Task Group 7.1.
Execution of the major functions concerning onsite recovery operations, operation of field
radiochemistry laboratories, and operation of a complete photodosimetry service for the entire task force.


Task Group 7.2.
Provision of monitors for security
sgweeps and maintenance of a pool of trained monitors
and decontamination operators to back up TG 7.1.


Task Group 7.3.
Provision of facilities afloat for
ship-based recovery operations, together with the
necessary helicopter services and execution of the
lagoon water-sampling plan.


Task Group 7.4.
Execution of the radsafe portion of
the aircraft cloud-sampling program and provision of
aircraft and personnel to conduct the task force cloudtracking program.


Task Group 7.5.
Assumption of radsafe responsibilities for the entire PPG (except Enewetak Island) during interim operational periods.


Select target paragraph3