In order to carry out this long list of functions, TG 7.3 was organized into task elements.

The task elements with their functions, the

naval units involved, and numbers of persons are presented in Table 5.
Throughout Operation CASTLE, the vast majority of the 6,351 personnel
of TG 7.3 remained on board the ships to which they were assigned.


to BRAVO, detonated on l March at Bikini Atoll, only a few men were stationed on Eneman Isiand at Bikini.

These included the personnel and air-

craft of the Bikini Pighter Element, TE, the Bikini Boat Pool

(who worked on board the boat pool houseboat YFN~-934),


approximately half of the personnel of HMR-362 with six HRS-2 helicopters.

Following shot BRAVO, Eneman was abandoned, TE was trans-

ferred to Enewetak Island, and the HMR-362 personnel moved their equipment
from the island back on board the Bairoko and continued to operate from
the carrier.

The boat pool dispatcher continued to work on board YFN~-934

in the interim periods between Bikini shots.
Since Navy activities were concentrated at Bikini, particularly after
shot BRAVO,

the majority of the task grqup ships remained there almost


Originally, the flagship, Estes, was to be based at Enewetak

between Bikini shots.

However, when all Bikini operations moved afloat

after 1 March, the Estes remained at Bikini for most of the operation.
Relatively few TG 7.3 personnel were stationed on shore at Enewetak
Atoll during the shot phase of Operation CASTLE.

A rough estimate of the

number of people and their location is shown in Table 6.
The Surface Security Unit, 7.3.1, always had two destroyer escorts
stationed at Enewetak.

Similarly, the Utility Unit, 7.3.5, had at least

two tugs

Ships assigned to the atoll rotated at regular




The LSTs of the Transport Unit, 7.3.9, were based at Enewetak.

(USS George Eastman)

and YAG-40

(USS Granville S. Hall)

were also

based at Enewetak because the personnel of Project 6.4 were located on
Parry Island.

On several occasions other task group ships came over from


Select target paragraph3