Task Group 7.3 (Navy)
This group provided


living support at Bikini as well as several

specialized sea transport and scientific experiment support activities.

The TG 7.3 tasks as they were finalized in JTF 7 Operation Plan 3-53
(Reference 9)


were as follows:

Provide for the security of Enewetak-Bikini danger

2. Operate a boat pool at Bikini.
3. Provide a forward area interatoll surface transportation system.
4. Control harbor operations at Enewetak and Bikini.
5. Detail two PBM amphibians and required personnel to
the operational control of CTG 7.4 to provide amphibious airlift services between Enewetak and Bikini
when required.
Provide shipboard assembly facilities for the experimental devices and laboratory, shop, and office space
for TG 7.1.
Transport the experimental devices and associated

personnel between and within Enewetak and Bikini
atolls. “provide suitable escort in transit and
conduct rehearsals of this activity as required.

Operate a ship-to~shore and intra-~atoll helicopter
lift system at Bikini to support preshot operations
and postshot flights for damage survey and recovery
of scientific data.
Assist CTG 7.4 in this activity
at Enewetak upon conclusion of Bikini operations.
Provide space on the USS Bairoko for a mobile radiochemical laboratory and a photodosimetry trailer and
the associated operations of the radsafe unit (TU 7)
of TG 7.1.

10. Conduct all aircraft decontamination operations

aboard the Bairoko without outside assistance; conduct aircraft decontamination operations ashore at
Bikini with assistance from CTG 7.1.

ll. Provide decontamination crews for TG 7.3 aircraft at

Enewetak Atoll; assist with TG 7.4 aircraft decontamination when required.

12. Provide shipboard command, control, and communications facilities for CJTF 7; staff, communications,

Select target paragraph3