for the islands that were included in the PPG).

The United States, how-

ever, did not actually own the territory being used, but rather it was
held in trust.

Furthermore, the territory was remote from the United

States and required special supply and security arrangements appropriate
to military operations.

Finally, the organization for which the weapons

were being developed was the U.S. military establishment.
The DOD requirements for nuclear weapons were apparently forwarded to
the AEC weapons laboratories through the Military Liaison Committee
Figure 11).


The AEC laboratories then designed the devices that were

tested at the appropriate proving ground, either the NPG or the PPG.


special location of the PPG required a miltary operation to conduct the

The JTF 7 Scientific Director actually directed the tests and

CJTF 7 enforced his decisions.

The joint task force was divided into

functional and service-branch oriented units, each of which reported to
CJTF 7 through separate task group commanders.

Task Group 7.1 (Scientific)
TG 7.1 was the centerpiece of the operation.

It contained representa-

tives of the organizations providing the devices and the representatives
of the DOD laboratory organizations interested in the effects of the devices.

All the other groups at the PPG were there to assist TG 7.1.

TG 7.1 was primarily led by LASL.

The newer laboratory, UCRL, did

Provide one test device in CASTLE and a large contingent of personnel, but
most of the key positions in TG 7.1 were held by LASL personnel.


was a “Deputy for UCRL,” a position that recognized both the new laboratory and its junior position.

The task group was organized into task

units with special functions.

There were 12 task units, but they were

designated 1 through 15, with no task units corresponding to 5, 10, and ll.

The function of this unit was to make

diagnostic measurements of the LASL-designed nuclear devices.

DOD person-

nel did participate to a certain extent in this task unit, as further discussed in Chapter 3.

TU 1 personnel totaled about 145.

Select target paragraph3