single location for working on the nuclear devices.

It included support

and shelter of the assembly teams, machine tool facilities, and highexplosive magazines at hand.
ence 5, p.

This was completed in March 1954



The devices were largely assembled in this area and then transported
by water to the test location.

A ramp was available within the area so

that an LST could take devices aboard by truck.

The barge-detonated de-

vices were assembled in a shelter

on the barge, which was

(called a cab)

moored in a specially constructed slip equipped with a large overhead
crane to handle heavy loads

(Figure 7).

After completion of work, the

device barges were towed to their final destinations.
The Air Force component of the joint task force, based on Kwajalein in
previous operations, was moved to Enewetak for CASTLE.

This move required

considerable improvement in the airfield that occupied the southern half
of Enewetak Island.
looking west.

Figure 8 shows the extreme western end of the island

The light area near the right wing of one of the parked

is a decontamination area that was constructed for CASTLE.

In the northeastern are of the islands, a causeway constructed for

to link Eleleron, Aomon, Bigire, and Lojwa islands was


A major construction camp was built on the Lojwa end of this


This required some work that is more properly described in the

following subsection (p.


on the radiological condition of Enewetak.

Generally, the northern and eastern islands involved in the shot or
shot-support activities had been graded extensively.

Japtan, lying just

across the Deep Passage from Parry, still contained a considerable stand
of coconut palms, pandanus, scaevola, and other tropical vegetation.
In October 1952, H&N, acting as the resident contractor for the AEC,
began construction of a camp on Eneman Island on the southern perimeter of


An airstrip to serve Bikini-Enewetak traffic was also begun on the

neighboring islands of Aerokojlol and Aerokoj and on the causeway that was


Select target paragraph3