

about 2.7 mi 2

189 nmi



of surface area and encircle a lagoon that

(40.2 km)

about 200 feet



east of Enewetak.

long and 15 miles
(61 meters).

(24.1 km)


islands consist of
is 25

wide, with a maximum depth of

The land area is concentrated in the eastern

islands, from Bikini to Eneu islands, which form about 53 percent of the



with 24 percent taken up by the southern section of Enidrik to

The detonation area in the north occupies about 19 percent of

the land area.

The climate of Enewetak and Bikini is tropical marine, generally warm
and humid.
to 32°C).

Temperature changes are slight, ranging from 70° to 90°F (21°
Rainfall is moderate, and prolonged droughts may occur.


of both atolls is open ocean for a thousand miles, with the only inhabited
island being Wake.

Storms are


although typhoons occur;

theless, both wind and sea are continuous erosional agents.


Although pos-

Sible at any time, most tropical storms occur from September to December.
Much cumulus cloud cover exists in the area.

The Enewetak~Bikini region incorporates three basic wind systems.


northeast trade winds extend from the surface to 25,000 to 30,000 feet
(7.6 to 9.1 km), the upper westerlies from the top of the trades to the
base of the tropopause at 55,000 to 60,000 feet

(16.8 to 18.3 km), and the

Krakatoa easterlies from the tropopause up into the stratosphere.
systems are all basically east-to-west or west~to-east currents.


day changes reflect the relatively small north~south components, which are
markedly variable.

Greatest variation occurs in the upper westerlies,

particularly during late summer and fall.
The steady northeast trade winds in the lower levels cause the water
at the surface of the lagoons to flow from northeast to southwest, where
it sinks to the bottom and returns along the lower levels of the lagoons,
rising to the surface along the eastern arc of the reefs and islands,
where it is moved by the winds to the southwest again.


The lagoon waters

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