AEC, Washington
AEC, Division of Military Applications

(two military

AEC, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
AEC, New York Operations Office

AEC, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
AEC, University of California Radiation Laboratory.

Personnel from the following Federal Government agencies
the AEC)

(other than

were badged with Hq JTF 7.
Federal Civil Defense Agency
Department of Justice

(one civilian participant)

(one civilian participant).

Exposures for the personnel of all these organizations are presented
in Table 90.

Personnel exposures for those appearing in the Consolidated List of
CASTLE Radiological Exposures

(Reference 13)

are presented are Table 90.

Joint defense agency personnel badged as part of TG 7.1 were the Armed
Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP) personnel, as were those of the
task force.

Armed Forces Special Weapons Project.
T 7.1.

Eight military were included in

Most of them were Program Directors for DOD effects experi-

ments in TU 13, directing and coordinating activities of several
related projects.

An exception to this was Project 3.4, which was

initiated after BRAVO to survey the unexpected blast damage on several
test islands, including Nam and the Bikini base island of Eneman.

This project was handled directly by AFSWP without a project agency.
Joint Task Force 7.

Three military identified simply as "JTF 7* were

badged with TG 7.1.


Select target paragraph3