1146th Special Activities Squadron, Fort Meyer, Virginia.
this group were badged with TG 7.1.

Six men from

This squadron was another admini-

Strative organization set up to provide support for Air Force personnel on detached duty.

Two men with this unit can be associated with

Naval Research Laboratory experiments for Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory

(LASL), and another has been associated with LASL activities.

650lst Support Squadron, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.

One military is in-

Cluded with the TG 7.1 list, but no function is identified.

The home

location of his unit indicates that he may have been involved with
WADC activities in the aircraft effects program.
Non-Air-Force Organizations.

Air Force personnel served with other than

Air Force organizations in TG 7.1.
Energy Commission


These included the following Atomic

contractors and organizations:

meshausen and Grier, Inc.

Edgerton, Ger-

(EG&G), American Car and Foundry (ACF), and

the Hanford Atomic Power Operation.

Air Force personnel also served

with the Army's Ballistic Research Laboratories and its support unit,
the 930lst TSU, and with the Naval Ordnance Laboratory.
sures are given in Table 86.

Their expo-

Air Force personnel were also in AFSWP,

but their exposures are included in Chapter 10

(Table 90), not by ser-

vice affiliation.

The Consolidated List for CASTLE lists 53 home stations for Air Force

The 699 individuals named represented about 41 percent of the

TG 7.4 maximum operational strength.

Apparently TG 7.4 did not provide

estimates of exposure for unbadged personnel as did TG 7.2 and TG 7.3.

An inspection of the 53 home stations on the list shows that about a
dozen are probably duplications of other units on the list, so the number
is probably less.

In addition, ten units are incompletely identified, and

if these were completely identified they might also be duplications.



Select target paragraph3