2 en ree, creelentae

USS Edmonds


Ship stationed at Guam.

As part of TU 32.6.4,


assisted in an SAR mission between 24 February and 2 March for an RAF
Canberra bomber inbound for Kwajalein from the Admiralty Islands.
The ship was well south of the radioactive cloud during shot BRAVO on
1 March.
USS Genesee


Gasoline tanker in area from 17 to 22 March, a

period during which no test shots were carried out.
Log Summary:

On 17 March at 1722 underway for Bikini.

On 18 March

at 1144 moored to the side of the Bairoko at Bikini Lagoon: at 1559
underway to Enewetak.

On 19 March at 0820 moored at anchorage F-1;

remained at Enewetak until departure for Pearl Harbor on 22 March.
USS Karin


cargo ship.

Commander, Service Forces, Pacific Fleet refrigerated

Operated out of Pearl Harbor to resupply Kwajalein,

Enewetak, and Bikini.

No radiation exposure was encountered during

its resupply mission to the PPG from 2 to 9 April.
Log Summary:

On 2 April underway for Enewetak; arrived 5 April;

remained anchored during shot KOON; at 1119 left buoy N-3, Enewetak,
for Bikini; on 8 April at 0754 anchored berth N-1, Bikini; on 9 April
at 1807 underway for Wake Island.
USNS Leo (T-AKA~60).

Commander, Service Forces, Pacific Fleet cargo ship.

Operated out of Pearl Harbor to resupply Kwajalein, Enewetak, and Bi-


No radiation exposure was encountered.

Log Summary:

After arrival remained anchored until 22 April when

underway for Enewetak, arriving 23 April.
shot UNION on 26 April.


Remained at Enewetak during

Departed on day of shot YANKEE, 5 May, at

for San Francisco.

On 28 April steaming from Yokosuka, Japan, to Pearl Harbor; at

0255 was ordered

to rendezvous with LST-762 at 11°N,

it in tow to Pearl Harbor.

175°36'E to take

On 4 May rendezvoused at 0840, and commenced


Select target paragraph3