radiation intensities as high as 10 R/hr.

These were returned to the la~

goon immediately and left there for several days until radiation levels

Only one individual involved in the project received an exposure

in excess of the MPE.

He was aboard the Terrell County and was exposed to

16.055 R: how has not been determined.

Task Unit 7.3.8 (Enewetak Harbor Unit)
In general, the Enewetak Harbor Unit's responsibilities included supervision of port and harbor operations, fuel replenishment facilities,
SAR operations, and atoll security.

The unit included an Air Force crash

(AVR), an LCM, and the fuel barges YOG-61, YOGN~82 and YO-120.


addition, an Underwater Detection Unit with one LCM was assigned as Task
Element to operate and maintain hydrophone arrays across both entrances to the lagoon.
Initially, the commanding officer of the Estes was to exercise admini-~
strative and operational control over these forces.

This assignment also

required administering and coordinating the activities of the Navy detach-

ment that operated the Army's boat pool at Enewetak (described in this
chapter under TG 7.2).

However, when the Estes was forced to remain at

Bikini for long periods after shot BRAVO contaminated the atoll, the responsibility for this assignment was assumed by the highest ranking Navy
officer among the ships present at Enewetak.
None of the members of the Enewetak Harbor Unit, Underwater Detection
Unit, or the personnel assigned to the Navy detachment of TG 7.2 exceeded
an exposure of 3.9 R.

From the the readings given in the Consolidated

List, the exposures appear to have been assigned rather than individual
badge readings, as the exposures are in even tenths of a roentgen and are
restricted to a few values.

Perhaps some badges were worn and the remain-

ing exposures were based on representative badge readings.

Task Unit 7.3.9 (Transport Unit)
This unit consisted of permanently assigned ships and ships assigned
from other task units on temporary duty.


The latter included the Belle

Select target paragraph3