The film badges of three men indicated exposures of 85, 95, and 96 R.

These individuals are believed to have worked aboard an LCM alongside the
Belle Grove.

During the washdown of the Belle Grove, considerable water

reportedly accumulated in the LCM alongside.

Subsequently, these individ-

uals were believed to have worked on decontaminating the LCM.

Their expo-

sures were reportedly a result of concentrated fallout in the LCM.


ough investigation, however, failed to reveal how they could have received
this much radiation.

It was later concluded that some discrepancy in badg-

ing or wearing of film badges must have occurred.

Careful examination of

the badges by densitometer revealed nothing unusual in the radiation to
which they were subjected.

Clinical and laboratory studies conducted on

all three individuals at Tripler Army Hospital, Oahu, Territory of Hawaii,
were essentially negative, and they were discharged to duty (Reference 16).

Task Element (Mine Project Element)
The destroyer minelayer USS Shea, the salvage vessel USS Reclaimer,
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit 1, Naval Beach Group 1, and Mine Proj-

ect 6 made up the Mine Project Element of TG 7.3., which was in the PPG
only for the conduct of Project 3.4, Sea Minefield Neutralization by Means
of a Surface Detonated Nuclear Explosion.

The project entailed laying

seven strings of mines, containing 121 in all, at specified distances from

ground zero.

The mines were inert-loaded, but otherwise functional, with

a detonator installed to assess the shot's effects on the mine's components.

After the shot, the Mine Laying and Recovery Element,,

recovered 100 mines and turned them over to the Mine Readying and Analysis
Element,, which recorded the effects of blast and pressure on each

Forty-eight of the test mines were returned to the United States

for further study.
on 26 April.

The project was confined to one shot, UNION, detonated

Tables 79, 80, and 81 describe activities of the Reclaimer,

the Shea, and the USS Terreil County during the CASTLE test series.
Project personnel were exposed to radiation during the mine recovery

On the day following shot UNION, 27 April, some mines indicated


Select target paragraph3