
After fallout ceased,

to YAG-39,


the Molala and the Tawakoni returnec tne

if radiological conditions warranted.

she returned under her own power;


If “AG-39 were
both snips were

towed back ta the Enewetak Lagoon off Parry Island, where the ships underwent a radiological survey and,

if necessary, decontamination.


ship was positioned in the fallout area during BRAVO because of a miscalculation in predicting the fallout location and thus did not require major
decontamination; nor did shot UNION contaminate either chip.

YAG-40 had

to be decontaminated following shot ROMEO, and both ships were decortaminated after shot YANKEE.

Shot activities are summarized

in Table 77.

Thirty men on board YAG-39 and thirty-three men on board YAG-<0 accum-~
ulated exposures in excess of 3.9 R.
-4.39 R.

The aighest exposure assessed was

This was made up of 4.39 R from film badge readings for che

tests prior to YANKEE plus an ettimate of 20.0 R for YANKEE according to
medicai records.


contaminating these two ships,

from other units of TG 7.3 essisted in deposs:biy encountering radiological expo-

After the tests, the ships remained at Enewetak until 26 May for

additional decontaminaticn before sailirg to San Francisco via Pearl Harbor.

By 25 May the average tcpside reading for YAG-29 was 0.007 R/hr,

with average interior and below-deck readings of 0.002 R/nr.

Thes? levels

were expected to be down to 0.004 R/hr and 0.001 R/hr, respectively, at
the time of arrival at’ Pearl Harbor, and 0.003 R/hr and 0.9005 R/hr at San

Crewmembers were expected to receive 0.5 to 1 R on the trip to

San Francisco, Readings for YAG-40 were higher:

0.040 R/nr topside and

0.0038 R/hr inside on 25 May, with 0.025 R/hr and 0.004 R/hr axpected at
Pearl Harbor, and 0.014 R/hr and 0.002 R/hr at San Francisco.
tionai exposure for the crew was expected to be 3 to 5 R.

The addi-

Subsequent in-

vestigations of the medical records of 41 of the 34 crewmen for the period
that YAG-40 was in transit to San Francisco disclosed that their mean exposure was 1.676 R, with an exposure range of 0.705 R to 4.56 R, somewhat
less than the initially expected exposure.
not reflected

in the Consolidated List.



These additional ¢xposures are
two of

the YAG crew,


Select target paragraph3