responsible for receiving, transporting, and safeguarding special devices;
providing shipboard facilities for assembly of these devices and space for
TG 7.1 administration and laboratories; acting as the flagship for CTG 7.3
en route to the forward area

(after 6 March); providing transportation to

the forward area for approximately 100 officers and 50 enlisted personnel
of JTF 7; and assisting JTF Weather Central by taking surface readings
hourly, and radiosonde balloon and radar wind readings twice daily.


sonnel decontamination facilities were located near the ship's stern, which
proved to be an awkward location because personnel requiring decontamination had to walk through the ship.

Due to overcrowding on the USS Bairoko,

CTG 7.3 shifted his flag to the Curtiss on 6 March.
The operational activities of the Curtiss for each CASTLE shot are
described in Table 60.

The Curtiss' assigned duties should not have ex-

Posed it to radioactive material, as the ship's crew did not assist in
decontamination of other units.

The Curtiss was contaminated by shot

BRAVO, however; from 0800 to 1800 on 1 March,

it was exposed to fallout

and was required to use its washdown system.

No crewmen received expo-


in excess of 3.9 R.

Task Unit 7.3.1 (Surface Security Unit)
This unit consisted of four escort destroyers of Escort Division 12,
the USS Epperson, the USS Nicholas, the USS Renshaw, and the USS Philip,
and one patrol craft, the USS Grosse Point.

Escort Division 12 provided a

screen forthe Curtiss from Hawaii to Enewetak, acting as Task Element

The general function of the unit was to assure the atollis' seThe operational activities of each vessel during the CASTLE shots

are described in Tables 61 through 65.
At Bikini, the destroyers were assigned to search and rescue


missions to investigate submarine contacts in conjunction with the Patrol
Plane Unit 7.3.3, to warn and divert unauthorized shipping from the danger
area, and to function as Task Element of Transport Unit 7.3.9,
escorting ships transporting shot devices from Enewetak to Bikini
Tables 61 through 65).



Select target paragraph3