limitations on such activities at the Pacific Proving Ground (PPG).


portion of the experimental program of heaviest DOD participation is
The chapter concludes with a description of Joint Task Force 7

(JTF 7),

the organization that conducted Operation CASTLE, and indicates how the DOD
elements within JTF 7 functioned.
Chapter 2 is concerned with the radiological safety
of the tests.



This chapter documents the procedures, training, and equip-

ment used to protect participants from the radiation exposure inherent in
the test operations.
Chapter 3 focuses on the role of the DOD in the experimental program
of CASTLE in general, leading to a discussion of the DOD operations for

the test events in particular in Chapters 4 and 5.

Chapter 4 discusses

the BRAVO detonation, and Chapter 5 presents the detonations following
Chapters 6 through 9 report participation by the Army, Navy, Air Force,
and Marine Corps, respectively.

Chapter 10 summarizes the participation

of other government agencies and contractors.

A listing of participating

units and a statistical characterization of their personnel exposures are
included in these chapters.

The personnel exposures are discussed in

Chapter il.
Appendixes include:

A -- Radsafe-related documents prepared for

CASTLE; B -- Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Units;
C -- Island Synonyms; and D -- Index of Participating Organizations.
Nuclear testing before 1963 usually consisted of the unconfined detonation of nuclear devices (usually not weapons)

in the atmosphere.


devices might be placed on a platform or a barge on the surface, placed
atop a tower, supported by a balloon, dropped from an airplane, or flown


Select target paragraph3