

Program 7, Electromagnetics; Projects 7.1, 7.2,


Program 9, Cloud Photography; Project 9.1.


instrument station locations on Enewetak Atoll are shown

ure 92.

in Fig-

The project details are described in Chapter 3.

There was no preshot evacuation of Parry and Enewetak, although task
Force ships remained in the vicinity to provide an evacuation capability
if required.

TG 7.2 was mustered on the beach at Parry to view the shot.

The shot countdown was broadcast in the area and the task group personnel
were instructed to turn away from the burst and cover their eyes prior to
zero time.

The locations of the ships of the fleet at burst time are

shown in Figure 93.

The positions of TG 7.4 effects aircraft are shown in

Table 54.
The Test
Heavy rain showers in the Enewetak area when NECTAR was detonated may
have affected the close-in deposition of the fallout.
an altitude of about 71,000 feet

(21.6 km).

The cloud reached

The lower portion


20,000 feet [6 km]) of the cloud moved to the west-northwest, and the up~
per cloud moved north.

Pigure 94 gives the cloud dimensions.

Few contacts

were made with the cloud by either the TG 7.4 sampler aircraft or the Wilson cloud-tracking aircraft.

No postshot weather reconnaissance flights

were made.

An F-84 sampler aircraft veered off the runway while landing after a
sampler mission and nosed into a sand dune.

TG 7.4 could remove the radioactive samples.

The crash crew arrived before

When the latter arrived at

the aircraft, they had to move the crash crew well away before removing
the samples.

Two U.S. Army personnel were reported to be sitting on the

wing of the "hot" airplane

(Reference 29); however, they could not be


Following the shot, the fleet returned to the atoll

and by 0745 was anchored in the lagoon.


A damage and radiation survey of

Select target paragraph3