Air Radex.

For H+l,

10,000 feet



to 40,000


(12.19 km), 225° clockwise to 290° from ground zero for a

maximum distance of 25 nmi (46 km), 290° clockwise to 30°
for a maximum distance of 20 nmi (37 km), 30° clockwise

to 100° for a maximum distance 30 nmi (56 km), and 100°

clockwise to 225° for a maximum distance of 5 nmi



For H+l, 40,000 feet (12.19 km) and up, 230° clockwise
to 320° from ground zero for a maximum distance of 30 nmi

(56 km), 320° clockwise to 50° for a maximum distance of
15 nmi (27.8 km), 50° clockwise to 115° for a maximum
distance of 55 nmi (102 km), and 115° clockwise to 230°
for a maximum distance of 15 nmi
For H+6,


10,000 feet



(27.8 km).

to 40,000 feet


245° clockwise to 290° from ground zero for a maxi-

mum distance of 110 nmi (204 km), 290° clockwise to 309
for a maximum distance of 75 nmi

(139 km), and 30° clock-

wise to 85° for a maximum distance of 130 nmi (241 km).

For H+6, 40,000 feet (12.19 km) and up, 230° clockwise
to 320° from ground zero for a maximum distance of 110


(204 km) and 50° clockwise to 115° for a maximum

distance of 250 nmi

(463 km).

Command briefings at 1830 and at midnight confirmed the favorable weather predictions for shot time.

The forecast fallout pattern, based on

the midnight briefing, is shown in Figure 85.

The task force fleet was

located east-southeast of ground zero at 25 to 35 nmi

(46 to 65 km); rad-

safe recommended that the slower ships move to 50 nmi

(93 km) on a bearing

of 120° and that the other ships move south after the H-hour firing requirements were completed.
DOD Activities
The DOD-sponsored experiments for YANKEE included 20 projects in TU 13
of TG 7.1.

TU 13 projects were:


Program 1, Blast and Shock; Projects,
l.ld, 1.2a, 1.2b, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6

1.1lb, l.c,


Program 2, Nuclear Radiation and Fallout; Projects
2.6a, 2.7, 2.7a


Program 6, System Effects; Projects 6.1,

6.2a, 6.4

Program 7, Electromagnetics; Projects 7.1, 7.2, 7.4
Program 9, Cloud Photography; Project 9.1.


Select target paragraph3