Program 2, Nuclear Radiation and Fallout; Projects
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5a, 2.5b, 2.6a, 2.6b


Program 6, Systems Effects; Projects 6.1,
6.4, 6.5, 6.6

ATES E . KTweokt


6.2a, 6.2b,

Program 7, Electromagnetics; Projects 7.1, 7.2, 7.4
Program 9, Cloud Photography; Project 9.1.
The locations of the instrument stations for these projects are shown
in Figure 78.

Details of each project are given in Chapter 3.

aircraft participation is given in Table 37.

TG 7.4

Table 38 indicates the posi-

tions of some of these aircraft at burst time.

The Test
At shot time

(0620), a rain shower between the fleet and ground zero

possibly extended to ground zero.

about 55,000 feet (16.8 km).

The debris cloud reached an altitude of

The lowest portion of the stem (estimated at

below 5,000 feet [1.5 km]) moved to the west at an average velocity of
about 17.3 mi/hr

(27.8 km/hr).

(Contact was made with this portion of the

cloud at H+5 by Wilson 2, about 59 nmi

The intensity was 0,015 R/hr.)

(1.5 to 7.6 km)

109 km

to the west of ground

The middle segments of the cloud

initially moved north, then east-northeast at about 17.4

(28 km/hr).

The top section of the cloud moved to the east-northeast

at approximately 34 mi/hr

(55 km/hr)

(Reference 16, Tab M).

The Wilson 1 aircraft encountered radiation intensi-

ties of 5 R/hr while collecting cloud samples.
Wilson 2, flying at 10,000 feet (3.05 km), made no contact with the
cloud while in the racetrack pattern between Bikini and Enewetak/Ujelang.
Wilson 2 began a sector search at H+4 and located the cloud east of ground

This area was the forecast H+6 position of the 20,000- and 30,000(6.1- and 9.l-km)

particle trajectories.

R/hr was reported at H+5.5 about 100 nmi

A maximum reading of 0.250

(185 km)

east-northeast of Bikini.

This layer of the cloud was probably responsible for the contamination subsequently noted at Rongerik and Rongelap atolls.


Select target paragraph3