ics 110-KT yield completed the destruction of the camp facilities at Eneman and resulted in the temporary closure of the Bikini Island anchorage.

Aerial searches of Area Green and a sector 240 nmi
to 600 nmi
5 April.

(444 km)

wide out

(1,111 km), centered ona 30° bearing from Eneman, began on
The series of preshot briefings continued until midnight, when

the decision was made to postpone the shot 24 hours to await more favorsole weather.

By the morning of 6 April, the synoptic weather forecast

indicated favorable conditions for the following day, and the sequence of
the preshot precautions began again.
At appproximately 1400 on 6 April, the forecast surface and air radex
areas were announced as follows
Surface Radex.

(Reference 16, Tab M):

True bearings from ground zero,


clockwise to 70°; radial distance 90 nmi (167 km) for

H-hour to H+6, plus a circular radex area around ground
zero of 15 nmi (27.8 km) radius.
It was recommended that
the air control DDE move to 240° and 90 nmi (167 km) from
ground zero, and the task force ships move to a position
southeast from ‘ground zero as soon as possible after the
Air Radex.

For H+l, 10,000 feet (3.05 km)

to 40,000 feet

(12.19 km), 240° clockwise to 20° from ground zero for a

maximum distance 20 nmi (37 km) and 20° clockwise to 85°
from ground zero for a maximum distance of 30 nmi (56 km).
For 40,000 feet (12.19 km) and up, 240° clockwise to
10°-from ground zero for a maximum distance of 35 nmi (65

km), and 10° clockwise to 95° from ground zero for a max~
imum distance of 45 nmi (83 km).

For H+6, multiply distances by 6.

Due to initial

cloud growth, supplement the 10,000-foot (3.05-km) radex

for H+l with a sector bearing 85° true, clockwise to 240°
true for a maximum distance of 5 nmi (9.3 km).
the 40,000-foot (12.20-km) radex for H+l1 with a sector
bearing 95° true, clockwise to 240° true for a maximum
distance of 15 nmi (27.8 km).
The routine H-18 advisory was dispatched to CINCPAC announcing the
KOON schedule.

The advisory indicated that no known transient ships were




?reshot Preparation

Select target paragraph3