“nforeseen fallout of small radioactive particles

(less than 5 microns)

curred on the night of D+l and covered the atoll, raising radiation lev3 bY approximately 0.100 R/hr.

The small radioactive fallout particles

“2a more difficult to remove than the fallout from the larger BRAVO parti_:3.

The secondary fallout stopped between 0700 and 0800 on D+2.


.al topside levels for ships that received fallout are given in Table 32.
Fallout contaminated the western quarter of the lagoon with radiation
-v2ls comparable to those of BRAVO.

Lagoon flushing through the south-

2St Dassage substantially increased background radiation levels in the
“.cinity of Oroken, Bokaetoktok, and Bokdrolul.
On shot day the low-intensity contamination moving to the southwest
‘as reported by Wilson 3, and accordingly an alert message was dispatched
:0 the Enewetak garrison indicating the presence of a westerly movement of
itantgen-range contamination approximately 60 nmi
cf ground zero.

(111 km) west-northwest

Although calculations indicated the contamination would

cass to the north of Enewetak, all personnel at that atoll were directed
to remain on alert status until H+24.

No significant fallout was subse-

quently experienced, a fact verified by a report at 1900 from the Enewetak
monitoring system indicating 0.001 R/hr maximum on Enewetak and Parry and
Zero background on Lojwa.

The low-intensity contacts southwest of ground

zero were not considered significant for Ujelang.
Fallout began on Enewetak Island on D+2 at 1500, with peak readings of
0.010 to 0.015 R/hr.
high as 0.040 R/hr.

There were also local “hot spots" with readings as
These areas were posted with danger signs, and per-

sonnel were not allowed to enter them.

On D+5, the maximum intensity was

0.010 R/hr at Enewetak Island.
On 31 March, the TG 7.3 unit on Kwajalein reported 0.009 R/hr maximums
on the windward side of tree trunks, averages of 0.001 to 0.003 R/hr on
beaches, and 0.001 to 0.004 R/hr on windward sides of buildings.
erage Kwajalein background before 31 March was 0.00005 R/hr.


The av-

Aircraft on

Select target paragraph3