_4 2 was ordered at 1200 to return to the holding pattern.

At 1215,

_2 2 reported encountering cloud segments of approximately 2 R/hr at
..rthwest corner of the holding pattern.

In order to evaluate the

s_oility of fallout at Enewetak and also to determine aircraft back.2, this aircraft was also ordered to proceed to a position in the
_ich end of the pattern.

Subsequent reports showed no cloud moving

-ward Enewetak, and the aircraft's background was 0.240 R/hr.

At 1430,

>» aircraft was directed to proceed to the originally specified search
-2 east of Bikini.

No radiation above background was encountered on a

ssequent search out to 13.5°N, 171.S°E (100 nmi (185 km] west of Bikar)
‘a thence to base.

The crew exposure on Wilson 2 and Wilson 3 during

zse flights was of the order of 1.4 R (Reference 16, Tab L, p. 39).
Wilson 4 was directed at H+12 to proceed from Enewetak at a 10,000cot


altitude to a sector bearing 60° to 90° from ground zero

-d search out to 500 nmi- (926 km).
aS via a point 16°N,


From this sector the return to base

The flight was performed as ordered, and no

jadiation was encountered.

Wilson 1 collected heavy-element samples;

it "encountered heavy radia-

tion necessitating immediate return to base."

The specific radiation lev-

els encountered are not known:


the highest reading on any WB~29

ceturning to base following ROMEO was 20 R/hr

(Aircraft No.

2195; see

Table 35).

Subsequent Wilson flights were cancelled when no appreciable air con-

tamination appeared to exist at that time in the vicinity of the test site.
No D-day fallout was deposited on task group ships in the sortie area.
At approximately 1800, the USS Epperson, on security patrol 50 nmi

(93 km)

northwest of Bikini, reported fallout with average readings of 0.025 R/hr
and maximums of 0.100 R/hr.

The Epperson left the area at 1900 to avoid

unnecessary personnel exposure.


Select target paragraph3