Surface Radex.

True bearings from ground zero 2409

clockwise to 50°; radial distance of 90 nmi (167 km)

for H-hour to H+6, plus a circular radex around ground
zero of 25 nmi (46 km) radius.
It was recommended that
the air control DDE (the USS Renshaw) move to a true
bearing of 250° 90 nmi (167 km) from ground zero.

Air Radex.

For H+l, 10,000 feet (3.05 km)

to about 40,000

feet (12.19 km), 280° clockwise to 75° bearings from

ground zero, maximum distance 20 nmi (6.1 km); 40,000 feet
(12.19 km) and up:
270° clockwise to 90° bearings from
ground zero, maximum distance 35 nmi (65 km).
For H+é6,

multiply distances by six (210 nmi [389 kmj).

On Enewetak, TG 7.2 radsafe officers were briefed, film badges issued,
and couriers instructed on monitoring duties.

Plans were made to muster

all TG 7.2 personnel on the ocean side of Enewetak Island.

The muster en-

abled the personnel to witness the detonation at Bikini Atoll and served
as a rehearsal for the type of muster to be performed if an evacuation
were required.
The P2V patrol squadron assigned to TG 7.3 and stationed at Kwajalein
was directed to assume CASTLE radsafe monitor responsibilities for Kwajalein from H-hour to H+24 and to report radiation intensities in excess of
0.01 R/hr to the task force headquarters by Operational Immediate precedence.

At Wake Island, TG 7.4 was directed to set up a special monitor

station for the period H~hour to H+36.
At the 1800 command briefing the observed and forecast wind patterns
were completely favorable and the decision to shoot the following morning

was confirmed.

At approximately 2300, a directive was passed to CTG 7.4

on the cloud-tracking flights for the first 12-hour period on shot day.
Two WB-29 cloud trackers were to operate in a racetrack holding pattern 50

(93 km) west of ground zero, one at 10,000 feet (3.05 km), the other

at approximately 5,000 feet (1.52 km).

The directive specified a flight

by Wilson 2 from H+2 to H+14 from base to a 3~hour holding pattern at
10,000 feet (3.05 km), and thence to a 500-nmi


radius sector with

true bearings from ground zero of 60° and 90° at 10,000 feet


(3.05 km).

Select target paragraph3