providing local air transportation at Bikini became solely that of TG 7.3
(Reference 9,



The Bikini boat pool had a sharply increased work-

load in order to provide transportation between the shipboard living quarters and work sites.

All ships would evacuate the Bikini Lagoon before all scheduled shots.
The movement of fleet units out of Bikini Lagoon during evacuation maneu-

vers for postponed attempts did have some advantage because it helped
flush out the contaminated lagoon waters from the ships' seawater systems
with open ocean water

(Reference 16, p.

L-3), preventing a large buildup

of radioactive contaminants within the systems.


the second CASTLE test, was the first barge-mounted, water-

surface detonation.

Because of concern that the experiments being pre-

pared at Eneman for shot KOON might suffer blast damage from ROMEO,
scheduled site was changed from south of Iroij


to the BRAVO crater, which

was a greater distance from Eneman.

Preshot Preparation
ROMEO was ready to fire on 13 March, and the sequence of sea and air
searches, weather analyses, fallout predictions, briefings, and advisory
messages to the Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet
Unacceptable weather delayed the detonation for 2 weeks.



During this pe-

riod, the task force maintained an 18-hour standby capability to conduct
the test.

The weather~caused delays had two consequences for subsequent tests.
First, the method of conducting air searches for the protection of transient shipping was changed when it was determined the search plan was not
flexible enough to cope with the large geographic shifts in the long-range
fallout forecast that could occur between successive tentative shot days.
The new procedures included specification of an expanded hazard zone
Green, see Figure 16)


to control shipping, and the use of three or more


Select target paragraph3