IV. General Pravisions 13. Tt is the intention of agreement that the the parties 16 terms of the acgrcemant shall survive change in the political status of the Mersnail Is “-subject to the wishes of the Sikini people. M4. ‘The @xecution of this toocuncne in ne constitutes an admission that the rust Tervitsory of Paciztic Islands Cefendants have submitted to the juris diction of the United States The Veople of Sikini by Biiini Counsel ny By: Choe. ! for the rederal Defondants (Gempartnent of bt: on behalroo* che of the Truak Ya a . we fF the Parcirtic e- ~ “sonathan M. i District Cavrt Weisgall . . . “s, f, +t ‘4 P od A . >) Attorney for Plaintiffs Athorney for Peder: . os Ostoher =, 1978 . oe Octebar 47“7 7, 1978