Bikini Atall, Ujalang atoll, Wothe Ato Likley Atoll, Arlinginae Atcli, Utisik Atoll, Ailuk Atoll, Rongerik Atell, Bikar Atoll, Mejit Aicli, Island, and Jimo Islancés. Raw data rasults of such ndecencgent Analysis of Survey Dan. In cacognition of the desire ci the Bikini them an incevendent scientific Gata S a4 3 La wi jucgrent and analysis cf the ra 2 to 3 to have availiable fh 10. peopls (readable hard copy) 3 ie re et Bi 9. to assist 7 fe fo te B bh p ie] to selec rt Bikini, people shall be enti:cled the fu them in making a Gocision with respect to resettlement, selentist having generally accepted sclentific experience to partici analveis of survey results and pr survey report. agency in The United States Department of Enevay, charge of Bh ll. the radiation survayv, eontract with the individual selected by for the purposes vided only that shall arrancec as wag te the Bikini peapie set forth in the ovreceding parugrayh, terms of any such contract with respect compensation and expenses shall ke valliag consultation and fees te reasonably based cn orca" for work of siniiar character, 12.‘ The individual selected by the Bikini peopls to participate in the analysis of asucvey Gaia and prapsraticna of the tinal survev and full access rerort shall be guarenteesd indeoendence to all curvey date avatleble wen: of Energy and shail have a Fual TOLToni ty complete and dekatled resort of his or her crecaxznendations 9009522 and cone unions. ta the Docartto make a f£indings,