e Radioactive
by Giff Juhason

he “Year ot the Ammal” is how
5 mans Marshallese describe the
nuclear depacs that has brought
them severely retarded and physically
deformed children. Women on dozens
ofthe tiny istands are plarucd with misvarnaces and babies with birth defects,
bul the t nued States government has
fot taken ans action to study the pos-




Reongelup Atoll 125 miles east, were
evacuated fram their islunds as a prevaution, On March 1, 1954, the U.S.
detonated Bravo. the largest hydrogen

boinb tested an Bikini. At fifteen mega-

tons. it was P.)Sthtimes bigger than the
Haroshima atomic bamb which killed
100.000 peaple. Why the Rongelap people were not evacuated, or even givenan
offical warning that the test was to take
plice, remains a mystery

Within hours of the March 1 test,
baunouchve fallout reached Rongelap
and nearby Uturik Atoll, By mid-afternoon the fullout was two inches deep on
the ground Not warned of any precautloms to take, the Marshallese were outside as the powonous ash fell on their
wns, feet. and heads Pcople on
Ronpelun began tovomut. and their skin
Weed terribiv, within days burns
appeared on their skin and many lost
some or all of their hair.


exposed. Moreover, a little-known 1978

Departmen of Energy, (DOE) study
shows islands in Rongelap have higher
radiation levels than some islands in


19458. sixty-six

homb tests at Bikini—-the people from

radiation data on

Mansy Rongclapese who had not been

unexposed people eventually became

problems and radiation exposure.



on the atoll during the fallout in 1954
returmed in 1957. Living on radioactive
islands and consuming local foads. the

sibility of a connection between these

announced nuclear tests devastated the
peaceful atolls of Bikini and Enewetahk.
whose residents had been moved to
other iiands in the Marshalls. Fortthree tests were conducted at] newetak
and twenty-three at Bikint.
In 1946. priot ta Operation Crosstoads the first series of “smali” atomic

the tslind will afford most valuable eco-


have been declared

unlivable for twenty years. Yet thes

have been living on Rongelap since the

surgery for remuval cf thyroid nouuies,
some cancerous. In 1972, a youth barely
a vear old when exposed in 1954 died of

leukemia. And the health of the people,
instead of improving with time, has

grown worse. A 1977 government study
says: “Recenth about 50 percent of the
exposed Rongelap people showed hypothyroidism ... a finding that probably

portends trouble ahead “

Just three vears after the Bravo test,
the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)

said that despite “slight lingering radiation” Rongeiap was sate and its people

could return. A 1957 Brookhaven medical report for the AFC said: “Even
though the radioactive contam.nation

of Rongelap Island ts considered per-

AEC said it was safe in 1957. In early

1979, however. DOE screntists told the

people not to use the highly radioactive

northern islands in their atoll.
Meanwhile, for twenty years the
Uturik people have heard the AEC

doctors tell them that their radiation
exposure was too low to cause harmiul

effects. The Utirik people received less

than one-tenth the dose of the Rongelupese Nevertheless, in 1976, twenty-

two years after their exposure, the

UCurik peopie’s cancer and thyroid

disease rate rose sharply to equal that of
the heavily exposed Rongelap people

The government now confirms that

thyroid cancer is more prevalent in people with lower exposures than those who
were highly exposed. The Uurik people

angrily responded to this development

in a 1976 letter to the AEC, saving the
AEC doctors “look at the people of
Utirik as ifthey were merely animals ina

fectty safe for human habitation, the
levels of activity are higher than those
found in other inhabited locations inthe
world. The habitation of these peuple on

scientilic experiment. The people tee!
that the [medical] program sin need of


Giff Johnson has traveled extensive.s inthe
South Pacthe and Micronesia. and spent
three months inthe Marshall Islands in 1979
ona research (rip, interviewing people from

and Enewetah were affected by the
nuclear testing. An obscure Department

twche at the time of exposure have had

he has written tar the Bullen of the Atomic
Scientists, the Prowresave. and Chessy
Magazine, among others. Since 1°
edited the Mflicronesian Sur
mittee’s quatterls Bulletin



repoms show that during the first four
vears after Bravo, the exposed Rongelap women had a miscarriage rate twice
that Of unexposed women. Nincteen of
The twenty-two children under the age of

November @ Decem!


many of the wlainds. A free-lance pournalist,

vast changes.”
For vears the U.S. claimed that only
the atolls of Uurik. Roneclap. Bikini.

of Energy report in 197% said. however.
that in addition to these four atolls,
“eleven other atolls or single islands

received intermediate range fallout from

one or more of the megaton tests.”

One of these atolls ts Ailuk. 250 miles
sast of Bikini, where in a population of

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