Table 5 RONGELAP ISLAND - RONGELAP ATOLL RSS-ill EXPOSURE SURVEY September 1976 Exposure Rate in wR/hAr Location Island transect on path near church 70 m from Ocean Beach 140 m north from Ocean Beach Cross - Observation tower at wese end of the island in open field O.5 «xm east near main road in clearing &.5+0.2 9.1 5 7.7 4 7.54+0.3 4, 4 8,2+0.3 7.8 4 7.3 4 8. 3 5. 4 7. 6. 6 5 6. 6 3.1 9.6 + L100 m ease of che bock 170 m east of the dock 8.5+0.3 * 200 m nortn from Ocean Beach 270 m north from Ocean Beach 350 m north from Ocean Beach 420 m north from Ocean Beach 500 m north from Ocean 8each ° 570 m north from Ocean Beach Village rcad transect starting at western end of the village 106 m west of first house in the village frone of first house: lagoon site of the road 100 m due ease of first house 200 m due east of first nouse: past houses 3, 4 and 5 300 m due east of first “house: near houses 6, 7, 8 and 93 (area covered with crushed coral) {00 m part church 200 m past church near co-cp in front of Jerry Knighe's house in frone of 2 houses near the dock 6 3 SSSDLETSS HSSSE PLHLS 6. 7. 3 3 3 4 4 7 3 3 1.0 km east near main road about 50 m from the lagoon 8.5+0.3 in coconut grove about 1.2 km ease of observation cower .-9 km east near main road on Lagoon side of the road 8.1+0.2 7.8+0.2 4.8 «m east near main road, grassy area on ocean side 6.i70.4 1.5 «m east near main road in the middle of the road 2.4 2.9 3.4 3.38 4,3 «m km km «m km east east east east east near near near near near main main main main main road, road, road, road, road, lagoon Lagoon grassy grassy grassy side side area area near on grass covered corai of grassy area on the ocean side on the ocean side trees lagoon side 3.3 km east near main road, grassy area on Lagoon side 3.8 km east near main road, a grassy area with Pandanus at edge of village 6.3 «m east near main road in che village 5y che school and 3.38+0.3 6.3+0.3 7,120.2 8.80.4 3,370.4 7,120.3 7.4+0,2 6.6+0.3 3.90.2 cemetery along side church in mil village 8.90.4 8.2 km east near main road near Japanese cistern 7. 9S0.2 3.3 «xm northeast on main road, ocean side in a coconut grove 10,2 xm northeast near end of island in grassy area and scaveola 9.520. 5 6.Jr0.4 4.7 «m east near main road, ease of village in grassy area Qeneath coconut trees, ocean side of the road 8.3 xm northeast beneath Guettarda grove, ccean side 9.3 «m northeast approaching north end of island trees b.ot.2 7.3979.2 3. 340.5