agencies by AFSWP (initially by Headquarters, but subsequently by the Field Command)
to meet research and development costs (see Table 1.2) other than those for on-site construction and support. These latter costa were met by transfer of R&D funds from
AFSWP to the Albuquerque Operations Office (then the Santa Fe Operations Office) of the
AEC. Extra-militar, funds were budgeted and expended by Joint Task Force 7 as neceg-

sary to meet the extra-military costs of the participating project agencies.


Pertinent information for ali Castle shots is summarized in Table 1.1; shot locations
are noted on the maps of Bikini and Eniwetok presented as Figures 1.2 andi1.3. The
yields lisied were the latest and most reliable when this report was prepared. Minor
discrepancies will be noted if these are compared with those listed in References 13 and
14; bowever, both of these reports were published within a year after the operation was
completed. The slight revisions brought about by subsequent data analysis were supplied,
upon request of Field Command, AFSWP, by the laboratories (References 15 and 16).


Select target paragraph3