239, 05,

36 days, from July 7 to August 12, 1972,

table results reported for 236,

The collected 239, 240 Pu activity was

concentrations ranged from 3.5 X 10

distributed lognormally with particle

to 6.3 x 19°13 uCi/em?, with arithmetic

size with an activity median aerodynamic

and geometric means of 6,6 X 19° 15 and

7.9x 107 18

diameter (AMAD) of 3.0 um and a geometric standard deviation of 8.2,


uCi/ cm, respectively,


sults for four soil samples taken from

239, 2405, concentration varied from

approximately the same location range

1.010714 to 3.9x 10 !4 uci/em3,

from 128 to 202 dpm/g, with a mean of

with an average of 2,3 X 19° !4 uCi/com?
for the five samplers,


160 dpm/g!,

At the present

Because the arithmetic

mean is a better representation of average

time only limited data are available re-

lung exposure, it is used to derive a re-

garding the soil activity in the area, ~

suspension factor at this site:

Four soil samples of depth 0-3 cm from

66x10 uci,

approximately the same location have


160 dpm


“1,8 g

x O29 4 107 om ,, 2.22 x 10° dpm |

.been analyzed with results !? of 2060 to

3 cm

3550 dpm/g, with a mean of 2700 dpm/g.



Profile data from other locations at the


same general site indicate that about 90%

This value is nearly an order of magni-

of the total deposition is contained within

tude higher than the one previously calcu-

the top 2,5 cm of the soil”,

lated, and reflects some of the inherent


ments of soil density in the area average

difficulties in the resuspension-factor

1.8 g/cm? ,

approach, i.e., that no allowance is made

is therefore

2.3X 10°



3 cm


The resuspension factor

uCi x

10% cm.




2700 dpm


for the geometrical configuration of the


source and that higher ground activities

“1,8 g

may be present upwind,

2,22 X - 10° dom

It is obvious that this approach is sub-



ject to major uncertainties, but does

Additional air samples were taken by

of the resuspended air activities that may

serve as an order-of-magnitude indication

the Reynolds Electrical and Engineering

arise froma 239, 2405), contaminated

Co. (REECo) on the edge of the contamin-

area which has weathered for 15 to 20 yr.

ated area during the pericd of February

The data discussed above also demonstrate

1S71 to July 1972, with a sampling time

unequivocally that resuspension of

of approximately 48 hr

239, 2205. does in fact occur from such


were made at four locations, but the


aged deposits and at ievels many orders

most pertinent is the one which was most

of magnitude higher than would be ex-

frequently in the direction of strong winds

pected if the often ncted decrease with

from the strongly contaminated area and

time were represented by a single exponen-

where the highest air activities were

tial function with a half-time of 35 to 70



Here, 254 individual air-

filter samples were collected and detec-


Select target paragraph3