be 10° 7m.

presumably caused by the migration of

However, the total inte~

the initial surface-deposited material

grated air activity (from t = 0 to o& for

into the soil,

239 py would be changed only by

Attempts to use the resuspension


AX 104 [ exp (- 0, 693t/45d) dt

factor approach to derive acceptable


levels of soil surface coniamination have

included this "attenuation factor" as a

exp (- 0, 693t/24, 400y) dt

simple exponential function with half-

times of 35 or 45 days”? 4 .



_= 6.5AX10°+1,3AX10°%,

There are

major uncertainties in such a formulation,

which is an increase of 20%, and more


importantly, cannot be accumulated dur-

The longest study of this de-

crease with time extended to only11 mo

ing an individual's life span,
Because the functional nature of the

following the initial deposition®, which
is extremely short compared to the half-

decrease in resuspension rate with time

life of a radionuclide such as 239 pu,

cannot be confidently extrapolated, pre-

There are also published reports which

viously published models should not be

indicate on experimental and theoretical

applied to the reoccupation of areas many

bases that the decrease with time will

years after the contaminating event.
The resuspension-factor approach can

not be adequately represented by a single
exponential function, but that the rate of

be applied in an approximate way, how-

decrease itself will also decrease with

ever, if resuspension factors are used

Fortunately, the exact nature

time!? 6

which were derived from measurements

of this time dependence is not critical in

over aged sources,

determining the integrated exposure from

relevant data are unpublished results

the time of initial deposition due to the

from current resuspension experiments

fairly well-documented rapid decrease at

at the GMX site in Area 5 of the Nevada

early times,

Test Site.

However, it is obviously

Perhaps the most

The 239 Pu at this location

the controlling factor for questions con-

was deposited following 22 high-explosive

cerning the reoccupation of areas many

detonations during the period from

years after the contaminating event.

December 1954 to February 1956,

As an illustration, the most conserva-

Measurements of resuspended air activity

tive published model (Kathren?) may be

levels at this site curing 1971-1973

used to calculate a resuspension rate for

appear to be the only available data con-

material 15 yr aiter deposition:

cerning resuspension of 2395, from a







ony ( 0.693 X liv X 365d




source of this age,
Data from two types or measurements


~ 10° 74/m,

are available and can be used to derive
average resuspension factors,

The first

If, however, the resuspension rate

tvpe of measurement? was accomplished

asymptotically approached some finite

by placing five high-volume cascade

value 19° of the original, then the resus-

impactors © within the most highly con-

pension rate 15 yr later would obviously

taminated area, and running them for


Select target paragraph3