not agree that resentment would arise over the preferred treatment of
some foreign students, with respect to their course, since they had been
sent to these courses under arrangements already understood beforehand.

+ cme aahOakes ee



The High Energy Accelerators for Harvard-MIT, Princeton and

the Midwest.

The Director of the Division of Research informedua that he had
budgeted an electron accelerator for the Harvard-MIT group to be located
at Harvard, and a proton accelerator to be located at Princeton, He
further stated that the situation in the Midwest relative to the construction ‘of afi accélerator at the ANL and coeperation of the MURA group
of universities is.still unresolved.

In our discussions (Dr. E. P. Wigner of Princeton abstaining) we

reached what the Chairman interprets as a consensus for two recommenda.
a) In principle the Harvard-MIT proposal is in essence no
different. from the MURA proposal to construct an accelerator away from
the ANL possibly at the University of Wisconsin. The Princeton proposal
for the construction of a large accelerator at an individual university
raises fundamental questions of policy which have not yet been studied
or resolved,

How many large accelerators should be built and at which

universities? Should these large installations be considered as set up
for a group of neighboring universities? How should such a project be
organized _and administered?

Universities are in canpetition for person-

nel-and“facilities: How can the needs of the universities in the field
of high energy physics be best fulfilled?
The Committee desires to see a study of this problem which

could lead to the formulation of a clear policy for the future,


The Committee recommends that the Commission seek an early

Fesolution of the situation in the Midwest, with respect to the construction of an accelerator at the ANL. The further desires of the MURA
should be considered in the light of a policy to be worked out as recommended in item (a) above. The GAC has in the pact consistently recommended that an accelerator be constructed at the ANL.


Test Program.

We were informed that the Commission has proposed and the President
Ras approved Test Operation TEAPOT, to be held in Nevada in the early
spring of 1955.
The Committee wishes to express its general approval of
thé tentative program as outlined.
We understand that a more detailed

description” of the individual shots and the reasons for them will be presented to us for review in the near future.

Select target paragraph3