to the

Washington 25, D. C.

November 23, 1954

Mr. Lewis L,. Strauss, Chairman
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission

Washington 25, D.C.
Dear Mr. Strauss:

Herewith is the report of the 42nd meeting of the General Advisory

Committee held in Washington on November 3 and 4.

All the members were

present. Owing to the fact that three new members had recently been
appointed, the meeting was shorter than our usual three-day session. We
regret that owing to circumstances beyond control most of the members of

the Commission and the General Manager were unable to attend, which un. fortunately-greatly detracted from the value of this meeting.
We considered eight separate items as follows:


The Report of the Reactor Subcommittee.

The Reactor Subcommittee visited a number of the more important in-

stallations of the Commission and submitted a report to the GAC. This
report was approved and adopted by the Committee as its own report to the
Commission. A copy of this report is attached to this letter and represents areview of the present situation in the field of reactors and
contains certain recommendations.


The Reactor School.

The GAC corisidered further the problem of the Reactor School at the
ANL or elsewhere. We reached no consensus. Some of the members felt that

the location of a classified and unclassified school at the same location

would lead to bad reactions on the part of foreign students who would of
necessity be treated differently depending on the particular arrangements
with their home countries.

Some members thought unclassified reactor

courses of study aiready existed at universities, and the proposed unclassified school at the ANL would only be a duplication.

Still others felt

that the ANL would make a good eite for the Reactor School in view of


the excellent facilities and its great international reputation andOE ROL Sa


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