




-37In regard to the TEAPOT test program, the Committee felt that the


plans were not yet firm enough to justify detailed comment,


Whitman moved, and Mr. Murphree seconded, that the GAC give general
approval to the tentative program as presented,

A formal vote was

not taken, but this appeared to be the sentiment of the Conmittee.
(Appendix B, item 4.)

Dr. Fisk raised the question whether there was |

unnecessary duplication in that three experiments were planned which
were boosted versions of other shots.

He agreed to discuss the matter

individually with Gen. Fields.
There was some discussion of the intelligence presentation, and,


more generally, of the present status of intelligence activities

within the AEC.

It was felt that the latter have declined.

Dr. Rabi

said he felt it was a great mistake not to push harder in this field,
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theCommission Should set up a strong intelligence evaluation

It is very important that technical intelligence be effective

at a high working level in the Commission.

Mr. Whitman suggested

that this question be raised with the Commission.

Dr. Fisk suggested

that the GAC ask to see the conclusions of the Bethe Committee.

(Appendix B, item 5.)
At 2:45 p.m. Dr. Beams left the meeting.
Mr. Whitman mentioned that Dr. Libby had asked the Committee to

comment on fall-out.

Mr. Whitman.said he felt the program was very

important and should be strongly pursued.

The GAC might well commend


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