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had been polled on the question prior to the meeting, and had in

general agreed that ANL would be & satisfactory place,

See letters:

R. W. Dodson to Lewis L, Strauss, October 7, 1954; E. P. Wigner to

_ A. A. Tomei, October 6, 1954; and BE. P. Wigner to R. W. Dodson,
October 25, 1954.)


Dr. Rabi next asked whether the GAC had any suggestions to make
Personnel to the AEC in regard to the latter's review of personnel security

Policies policies and procedures,

There was some general discussion to the

effect that frictions tend to arise not from the rules but from their
implementation, that too much attention tends to be focussed on
security mechanisms rather than on the integrity of people (where it
should be focussed), and that secrecy can never be a long term
proposition.” One specific question was what to do about the clearee

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ancesOfindividuals who have left the project,

Mr. Murphree said

he saw no security advantage in terminating their clearances; it is
surely an advantage to have cleared people with whom classified
problems can be discussed.

Dr. Johnson said that somewhat earlier

the AEC had attempted to establish a reservoir of cleared key people
in the universities just for this purpose; now, there seemed to be the
opposite tendency.

The Committee agreed to say to the Commission:

(1) that it was aware of the review and would be glad to consider
any problems referred to it by the Commission; and, (2) that it would
be healthy and desirable to maintain the clearances of key people after

they have left the project.


(Appendix B, item 7.)


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