

boiling reactor, which has a different H,0/U ratio, was operating at
Arco on October 8, and that excursion experiments were being run with


It is designed to run steadily at 300 psi and give 6 MW of heat.
At 4:55 p.m, the visitors left, except for Dr. Zinn and Dr. T. H.



Johnson who remained for the session on Research Matters,

of the Committee and the Secretary were present.

All members

The topic was high

energy accelerators,
Dr. T, H. Johnson reviewed the history of the Cambridge proposal

for a circular 6 Bev electron accelerator and the Princeton proposal


for a 2 Bev proton accelerator of high intensity (100 x that of BNL's



They would cost about $5 x 10® each,

They had been

budgeted for FY 56, and the budget proposals were currently being

They would probably be struck from the budget.

An appeal

“SSSGalabemade Tfthe GAC gave a favorable recommendation on the
Dr. T. H. Johnson mentioned other current plans, some of them
preliminary, in the high energy field:

(1) the Midwest proposal;

(2) the Stanford interest in a greater than 10 Bev linear accelerator;

(3) latent interest at ORNL; (4) Berkeley plans to increase the 184"
cyclotron energy to 750 Mev; (5) Columbia plans to increase their
energy to 520 Mev; (6) the heavy ion accelerators at Berkeley and
Yale, which are going ahead.

Select target paragraph3