should be considered separately from bilateral agreements; and Mr.
Murphree said that instruction in technical know-how should not be
part of the school,

It was mentioned that courses of study in the

principles of reactor technology already exist in this country, e.g.,
at the University of North Carolina,
lishing another at the Argonne?

What is to be gained by estab-~

Mr. Whitman said that to work with

and see the special facilities at ANL would be such a gain.


Hafstad said that we were instructed to set up a school but have not
been told what kind of school,

What did the President have in mind?

No resolution of these problems was reached.
Dr. T. H. Johnson entered during this discussion, at 4:25 p.m.
The next subject considered was the test-to-destruction of the

Test to boiling reactor, Dr. Zinn described the Arco experiment, which had
been somewhatmore. spectacular than anticipated, It had been thought

that the rapid addition of 4% excess reactivity would cause the
release of about 80 megawatt-seconds; actually about 135 MW-sec were


The estimated fuel temperature rise was 2000-3000°F,


pressure developed was greater than 5000 psi, perhaps greater than
10,000 psi.

The conclusion wes that such a reactor cannot safely have

4% in k added,

About 2% will not cause trouble; more will.

This has

implications for research reactors of this general type; their flexibility will have to be limited somewhat by making it impossible to
introduce too much excess reactivity.

Dr. Zinn mentioned that the new

Select target paragraph3