The vieite vary in duration according to the amount of work to be accomplisnad
and in some instances, according to weather conditions. At times it ia not
feasible to return to the main settlasemt due to unfavoranle weather.
It should be explained that this is a highly mobile population, as are sost
Harshallese. There will be a great deal of traval between all of the islands
of Enewetak Atoll throughout the year, every year.

The people are highly oriented teward the sea and lagoon aid Love to travel.
This orientation and pattern will undoubtedly, continue after return to snewetak.
I pregune that curiousity stimulated by a more than 25 year absance on the part
of the oldar generation ad of cocplete ignorance of the atoll on the part of

those either born since the removal in 1947 or who were emall cildren at the

tine, will stisulate a graat usal of travel in tre initial period of reasttlaiait.

Again I stronzly adviga that no firm decision o¢@ made in regard to construction
of facilities ani future settlasent pattern (village sites, etc.) without first
obtaining t.e wishes, adyice, and consent of the Enevetak feoola.

3.) I asoune that tne paople will want all of the islands to ba planted wherever

possible. This m-ans that all debris wil: Have to 5a ramoved, and all brusu

cleared (except for the imortant sheltar belt and otier protective cover as
deemed necesgary by TT agricultural experts.

The psople will of courage want the surface, the terrain in its original condition

where possibls. This means of course that the gulliea and Large holes must be
filled as was done on Bikini in 1969.
Toe quustion of future use of the airstrip and othar facilities on Enewetak

isiand is of course a highly taportant one. 1 assume that the psople will want

the strip to ba saved for co:mercial and amergency use. Tne pen areas will

be needed for coconut groves and suusistence crops. I assume that the people will
want the buildings which ar: in good condition to remain in situ. ilere again,

the decision must come from the Enewetak People. 1 know thatthay will want all

useful materials and builcings for their future use. They have stated this.

It ahould be Worne in mind that the people have rights in more thm one piece

of Lend and on differahtislands throughout the atoll.

Land rights are owed
held by khn groups. Tne Land parcels are worked by
the members of the Lineage which holds tnese rigots which wre norsall,; chiefly
inherited at birth. The tadititional pattern of habitation is for households
(family groups) to Live on their Land, not in a village cl.ster. That is, in o

scattered pattern. ‘he comaunity buildings are, however, noraally cbotralised on

the main island as discussed previously.Seeen |

<. Ocean >

‘his is the pattern followed on Ujilan: and will probably be perpetuated an
Bnewetak. tare aain the Gnevetak comaunity will voice their dasires in this watter.

Select target paragraph3