scheduled to go to MNIWETOK,

the brief survey.

The ATT wilt remain at TAONGI during

No UDT is scheduled to go.

Cost of opening the entrance into the TACIGI legoon and a suitable
channel on a minimm basis would be a costly ond lengthy operation.
This channel] would consist of rehabilitation of the existing one
which leads from inside the atoll passage eastward into the lagoon

for mout ome-half of a mile, ad then southward for about 2 miles
and also northward to the selected shot barge site.

According to

coments of TG 7.3, to perait channel clearance sufficient for
ooeration of up to and includ'ng [CU's would be a project well in
the million dollar clase ami would probably teke around six months,
To attetpt a project which would allow access to the legoon by LSD's,
etc., would be prohibitive both in cost and time in the opinion of
TG 7.3.

Greater detail on this problem will eppear in the Tu!

study currently being prepered,


iIn preparation for the operational phase a new EPG Danger Area would
have to be establisnsd.

The one prescribed for REDWIIS excluded

all land massss except ENIWETOR and BIMIWE art on the north stosped
just short of WAKE.

If the saws criteriz of estebliemsnt should be

envioyed for YARDTACK as for REDWING, WAKE would definitely be in the
Danger Area,

While sir traffic (comerical and military) into and

out of WAKE might not be curtailed during shot times, it is certain
that WAKE vould hava to have complete mon‘tering and evacuation
capabilities. |





During the actual operation and undcr oll three situations, the



Select target paragraph3