that if BIKINIwas eliminated from the EVG as visualized in Situation
III, the greater develooment of TACKGI would be necessary.

Thus the

four tower or surface shots of UCRL would also be detonated first at
TAOIGI, All LASL shots would be conducted at ENTWETOK, Yere again
the ike crater would be utilized for barge shots and RINIT and
FNGEDI fox the tower and surface devices. It is estimated that the
actual length of the overation would then ron approxinatoly four
Instrumentation for the shots will be similar to REDWING.

‘owever, it

dees net appear that there will be eny shot requiring the extensive
instrumentation of the REDWING Zuni shet.


No areaewide fallout program is currently planned by AFSWP,


The Raydist systen will not be used but ifSQ will probably be used at

both ENIWETOK and BIKINI, thereby necessitating a manned station on

Cn the high altitude shots (VHA & UNA) apart fran launching, radio
tracking and telexetering cquipment, AFSWP will require no ground based

AFSIP doas not intend to fire instrument bearing

missiles, but does intend to fly some instruments at 10,000 feet in tuo
5=% aircraft.
The shot series indicated ‘n paregraph 1 above does not include any

additional shots removed from the PLUIBBOB series and inserted into

(At present three PLU:BBCO shots have been removed.)

9. UCRL, under their proposal far the use of TAONGI, hopes for a five day

firing schedule, but will accept an eight day schedule.


M Re,



Select target paragraph3