

Gince an airetzip, if constructed, might be anngeable after

the first shot, it is felt that e comparatively feat ship
such as an APD must de available for inter-atoll transportation.


Smell) Craft



Unless an AKA wos provided as the instrumcnted ahip, there vould
ve no ship in the Esval array at FACEGI empable of lifting to

its deck even an Loi.

Therefors, during shot periods the exll

eraft would be losded in the well deck of the LSD acting sa
ths boat pool bese.

or three LOU's.

fn LSD can lead in its well Geck 2) LCH's

It would ssem inecviseble to include Li's in

the ZAONGI bent pool as TM 7.3 doet not corsider them suiteble

craft for operating in the open sea.

In edfition, aay Meboats .

that you micht bave would have to be included at the sacrifice


Eecause of ite mvencnt requirements, a second LED

would not permit increase of Lou's.

Incluicd in the boat pool would be s requirement for approximately

WE b@)

Le SL?

of 1f3'a.


four ta six DUAW's.

Toece DUEW'a, of course, could be erployed

only inside the lagoon.

with no copter berge, no landing plat


form on the shot barge, one may find the lagoon too rough for


| movement from the shot berzge to shore by DUXW.

In this case, it

may be deeireabdle to kave tio to four Kotor Whale Bosta for
geueral utility service to the shot barge.

If so, en improvised

Janding pler on the shore would heve to be provided.



In ths event that a fully onorating airstrip was conetructed ana

. ste oot 4


Select target paragraph3