
These requirements will be included in the study presently


being prevared by TC 7.5.
From UCRL’s preposal for ths utilization of TACNGI, we know that
TG 7el (CCRL) would have a renuiremmt for an instrumented ship.
This instrumented ship probably should be of the APA, AKA,
hospital ship, or AV type.

Such a type ship would have the

necessery office and shop spece, camunieations, ctc., required
by TG 7.1.

Comments relative to the ability of this type of

ship to house the estimated muxber of TC 7.1 and TG 7.5 persornel
required to be in the area is discussed in a following paragraph
on personnel.


There would also be a requirement for at least one and probably
two LSD's,

How these LSD's would be employed is discussed in a

later paragraph on opsrations,

Theee LSD's would heve missions

oftransporting shot barges from ENIUETOR te TAONGT and else
performing as mother ship for tha boat pool.

In sdditioa, use

would be mate of its quartering facilities for personnel.


While it is not corceived that there would be my apecific missicn

fos a ship such as an ATF, it is felt for insurance reasons that
at Isast one ATF should be included in the ships prasent at TAGIGI,


Both JTY SEVEN ani TG 7.3 have indicated thet if TACIGI was a
firing site, they would have a requirensnt far a conzand ship suca
as the ESTES was at BIKINI.
or a carrior.

This would be probably sither an AGC

In addition to having a command ship serve as the

flagship for JIF SEVEN ani TG 7.3, it would also base the AOC

required by TG 7h,

4 by


Select target paragraph3