with the persernel ashora.

Greater detail on this aspect can be

expected in stndy boing prepared by dCi.
Fron a communications viexpoint and except for necessary pre-

operational phase requirenents, no creat preblems are anticipated
providing proposed utilization of the atoll ronains on the austere

basis as planned by UCRL.

3e Airlift and Airstr
No airlif® and consequently no eirstrip ae requil'sd by UCRL during
the eperational phase.

However, they did indicate that to have an

airstrip would be vory convenient if required by TC 7.5 in
construction period or by TG 7. or TG 7.3 te neet evergencies.

be TC 7.4 has stated that based on information presently svaileble, thay
would not require construction of an airstrip et TACNGI,

TG 7.3 stated that they had no requirement for sn airstiip on TACHI.
They also stated that use of auphibious aireraft to suppuct TACKGI
would have to be on an energency basis.

They did not bel'eve

routire flights could be sade by such aircraft due to haza'd of

‘larding and teking off fron open water or in the coral head infested


Clearing a lagoon Landing area vas net considered practical,

If routims 2irlift support to TAOXNGI is determined to be necessary,
a prebable requirement would be the construction of a lend airstrip
tegether with adequate nevigetional aids. control tower , fire fighte
ing eouiprent, etc.

The presence of a minimm mzbsr of helicepters in the areca would be
very edvantageous to all task grevps before and during the operational


By way of & minima, it 4s visuelized that the number vould

Select target paragraph3