table made up at least 95 percent of the total weight of the

Gills, glands, and nervous tissue were assumed to be

similar in activity to bone, skin, and muscle.
Analysis by Area.

Comparisons of averages for entire fish

indicate the greatest amount of radioactivity was in post shot

samples collected at Engebi Island, followed by Bogallua, Aaraanbiru, Rigili, Runit,

Igurin and Japtan in descending order

(Table 10 and Fig. 6).
If the tissues are analyzed by stations 4 slightly differ-

ent order is indicated.

Activity in muscle is greatest at Bog-

allus, followed by Engebi, Aaraanbiru, Rigili, Igurin, Japtan
and Runit.

The sequence is similar for the activity in bone,

skin, and liver except for a shifting in the last four islands.
Japtan generally appears to be lowest in activity with Igurin
next lowest and Rigili and Runit alternating in position.


activity in the gut had a sequence similar to that of entire
fish because the gut and contents were the greatest contributing factor.
The greatest increase of radioactivity in post test fish

over pre-shot levels was in the islands to the west and south
of Elugelab where it was especially noticeable in muscle, skin,
bone and liver.

In spite of the fact that Bogallua fish had

slightly less activity in the gut, several times as much activity appears in the liver, bone,

fish from Engebi.

skin and muscle as in post shot

These data seem to indicate that the meta-

bolized, and to some extent the adsorbed (onto the skin), radio-

_ 46 =

Select target paragraph3