Health Physics

drink water on Kwayalem because of hus fear of the
fallout, the metallic taste of water on Rongelap Island
following the detonation, and the sickness (in particular,

vomitmg) that some experienced after their exposure It
1s not clear how much water the Rongelap people might
have been consummg on daily basis near to the trme of
the urme sampling (day 16 and 17 for the Rongelap
group, and day 18 for the Ailmginae group) It seems to
be a reasonable assumption, however, that they were

consumimg at least the mimmum amount of water necessary for healthy sustenance m tropical climates
Assumingthat each adult was consummg more than
1 Ld‘ ass typical m tropical locations, one explanation
for the small average urme volumes1s that the Marshallese did not provide complete 24-h urine samples to
Haris However, Harms has strongly disputed this (personal communication) partly based on the assurances of
Jabwe that complete 24-h urine samples were collected
If mcomplete 24-h urine collections were provided,
a Ingh degree of randomness between the mean and
shapes of the distributions of volumes from the eight
different samplings would be expected However, the
distributions of urme volume were very similar in shape
and central tendency, which suggests, by arguments of
reproducibility, a degree of validity of the collected data
Our mterpretation 1s that the volumes of urme that were
sampled from adult Marshallese community members
reasonably represent the true volumes excreted durmg
24-h periods of time
Estimating iodine loss via perspiration. Our
premise that daily hquid mtake was accompamed by
sigmficant perspiration and insensible water losses resolves the apparent discrepancy between a mean value of
about 500 mLcollected m urme samples and an average
daily consumption of water of about 2,000 mL It 1s well
established that evaporative fluid loss im the tropics 1s
much higher than the values usually accepted for temperate countries (Elebute 1973) and water loss through
persprration m tropical clmates can equal or exceed that
lost through urme (Latham 1997) Loss of stable 10dine

(normally obtamed through dietary mtake) via perspiration has been recogmzed as a sigmficant loss mechanism,
1m particularfor athletes and those living 1m hot ortropical
chmates where persptration losses of body water can be
large Studies im Taiwan (Mao et al

1990, 2001) of

iodme Joss m sweat from athletes mdicate that 1odme
concentrations m body sweat are the same before and
after strenuous exercise Mao et al suggested that the
lack of sigmficant differences m these various situations
suggests a phystologically-based consistency to the
amount of 1odme lost in sweat per umt volume In study
of 13 athletes during 8 consecutive days, Mao et al found

August 2010, Volume 99, Number 2
that 37 + 66 yg 10dme per L of sweat was lost and
reported that average adult excretes approximately 400 to
600 mL of sweat daily through perspiration and excretes
about 22 yxg iodme im the sweat The data of Mao et al
(1990) represent the best known information on iodine

loss (on a concentration basis) through perspiration

Daily stable iodine intake.It 1s also of rmportance
to make a reliable estimate of the average daily mtake
of stable 1odme among Marshallese in orderto partition the datly excretion of 1odime among urime, perspiration, and feces

Lattle hustorical data are available on dietary 1odme

imtakes among Marshallese While iodine mtakes can, m

theory, be estrmated through an understanding of diet and

1odme concentrations m foods consumed, it has been

difficult for researchers to reconstruct anything but a
semi-quantitative typical diet for Marshallese during the
years of nuclear testmg Though some studies of foods
and food mtakes have been conducted to attempt to
reconstruct typical diets, those attempts have been
heavily criticized (NAP 1994) for lackmg quantitative
validity and for sources of possible bias
To better understand typical daily 1odme mtakes
among Marshallese (at least contemporarily), 1odme concentration measurements have been made imrecent years on
fish commonly caught and consumed m the Marshall
Islands (Takahaslu et al

1999, 2001) Concentrations of

todme im fresh samples were about 100 ng g~' 1m yellow-fin

tuna (Neothunus macropterus), 700 ng sg! m “reef fish,”

5,000 ng g~! 1m grant clam (Tridacnidae), and 6,800 ng g~'

im mixed-type salted and dried fish Those data are reasonably consistent with other reported 1odme measurements for
marme fish For example, the Chilean Iodine Education
Bureau (1952), Wenlock et al (1982), Varo et al (1982),
Penmmgton et al (1995), and Haldimann et al (2005)

reported mean fresh weight 1odme concentrations m umdentified marme fish to be 832 (163-3,180), 750 (320-1,440),

460, 1,160 (+880), 486 (89-1,593) ng g7', respectively

That mariefish have average 1odme concentrations m ther
flesh (fresh weight) of a few tens of ug g”' 1s consistent
with a equilibrium between their flesh and seawater which
typically has an 1odme concentration of 58 pg L~' (Fuge
and Johnson 1986)
For Marshallese consumimg traditional diets, main-

taming an adequate mtake of 1odme could only be
achieved by eating marie foods smce no other foods in
their diets were sigmficant sources of 1odime (Takahashi
et al 2001) The average daily take of 1odime was a
function of the frequency of consumption of fish, the
species offish consumed, and the method of preparation
For example, drymg and salting fish has been shown to
imcrease 10dme concentrations about 10-fold, wile one

Select target paragraph3