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August 2010, Volume 99, Number 2

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Details of methods, data, and assumptions used

The important parameters that are discussed here are the

urine samples

for ''I on day of sampling [EF(t)]. They will be
discussed in turn.

shown in eqn (Al):

input data to interpret are the original volumesof urine
collected from Rongelap community members in 1954.

in calculating '*'I intakes from bioassay of

24-h urine volume (V) and the urinary excretion fraction

The basic calculation to estimate the average
intake of '*'I among the Rongelap community members from whom a 24-h urine sample was collected is


EF(t) X €¢”

Q =acute intake of '*'l intake (Bq, group aver-


CR =background adjusted count rate of '*'I per
mL of urine (c s ' mL’);

K =correction factor corresponding to the ra-

dioactive decay of ''I between time of

sampling and time of counting,
V =24-h urine volume (mL) averaged over
sampled population;

EF(t) = urinary excretion fraction for '*'I on day of
sampling, ¢ being the time elapsed between
intake and sampling; and
Ec = gammadetector counting efficiency (count
per decay).

Urine volumes. The most difficult of the historical

Those data have been described by Harris (1954) and
Harris et al. (2010) though here we present a more
detailed discussion. Volumes of urine collected in 10
different samplings (8 from Marshallese, 2 from Amer-

ican military weather observers) are summarized in

Table 1 in Harris et al. (2010). Note that all these

samplings were only from adults.

The mean values of 24-h urine volumes within the
first three weeks after exposure were 427 mL (n = 35),
448 mL (n = 31), and 385 mL (n = 15). In the fourth
week, the mean values for Marshallese were 596 mL
(n = 40), 523 mL (n = 43), 756 mL (n = 12), and 603
mL (n = 15). One and a half-months after exposure, the
mean value wasstill only 573 mL (n = 21). Over many

years, there has been discussion on whether the volumes
of urine that were collected actually represented the total

amounts excreted during 24 h, as the mean values of

Select target paragraph3