166 Health Physics DePuel'’’CsOZn), Bravo, Rongelap] = 140 kBg m°is the “theoretical” deposition density of '7Cs at Rongelap August 2010, Volume 99, Number 2 and that the relationship between '*’Cs deposition and “initial” intake rates was the same at Rongelapandatall other atolls. The values of K(Z, Bravo, 7) that were used in eqn (8) are shown in Table 4. They reflect the fractionation that would have occurred if only the test Bravo had con- effects that have been estimated for the Bravo test. inventory in 1957. Co, and ©Zn, relative to °’Cs or “Sr, were much greater on atolls close to the detonation site (Rongelap, tributed to the Zn Hence, a(°Zn) = 290 Bq d' of Zn per kBq m7 of '°’Cs. It is important to note that the value of a(°Zn) depends only on the radionuclide that is considered and that it is independent of the nuclear test and of the fallout location. Similar calculations were carried out to relate the initial dietary intake rates and the theoretical '’’Cs deposition densities for the five considered radionuclides at Rongelap and Utrik. Results are presented in Table 4. Values of the dietary intakes at any time after the test Bravo could then be calculated using eqn (6). Estimation of the chronic intakes resulting from the Bravo test by adults of all other atolls. Whole-body counting and or bioassay data similar to those available for the Rongelap and Utrik evacueesare not available for residents of any of the other 20 inhabited atolls. In this case, there is no need to calculate a modified '’Cs deposition density because the populations were exposed to fallout from all tests at the same location. The general formulation that was used to derive the initial intake rate at atoll j from the '*’Cs deposition density at that atoll for the Bravotest is given in eqn (8): q(Z, Bravo, j, 0) = a(Z) X K(Z, Bravo, j) xX Dep('*’Cs, Bravo, j). (8) Values of the dietary intakes at each atoll and at any time after the Bravo test were calculated using eqn (6). Weassumedthat the variation of the dietary intake rates with time estimated for Rongelap held for all other atolls Isotopes of Fe, Co, and Zn are highly fractionated in comparison to *’Sr, and even more so in comparison to '’Cs. Consequently, the deposition densities of ~Fe, Utrik, Ailuk, Likiep, and Mejit), than on more distant atolls where an R/V ratio of 0.5 was systematically used. Estimation of the chronic intakes by adults re- sulting from tests other than Bravo. Two of the radionuclides considered (Sr and '°’Cs) are fission products, the other three (Fe, ®’Co, and Zn) being activation products. The ND factors for *Fe and “Co werederived and reported by Hicks (1984) for only three of six Castle series tests; they show a wide variability from test to test as the activities produced depend on the specific materials used in the construction of each nuclear device. The ND factors for the other activation product, Zn, were not reported for any of the tests. In the absence of relevant ND factors, two essential simplifications were made: (1) the variation of the dietary intake rates with time was assumedto be the sameforall tests and all atolls as described by eqn (6); and (2) the “initial” intake rates of the long-lived radionuclides were assumed to be proportional to the ground deposition densities of '*’Cs as estimated in Beck et al. (2010) for each test and at each inhabited atoll, and were calculated by meansof eqn (8) in which K(Z,i,j) is taken to be equal to unity. In that case, we assumed that there was no fractionation of fallout radionuclides for any test other than Bravo at anyatoll. Estimation of the chronic intakes by children. Based on a limited number of whole-body counting measurements on Rongelap evacuees, the ratios of the Table 4. Parameter values used to relate the '*’Cs deposition density to the initial dietary intake rates after the Bravo test. Radionuclide, Z a(Z)’, (Bq d' per kBqm™*) a(Zy (Bq d™! per kBq m’”) Fe "Co Zn Sr 8.1 3.2 290 0.013 26 3.0 560 0.013 "Cs 3.0 7.7 * Applies to fallout from Bravoat all atolls, except for Utrik. > Applies only to fallout from Bravo at Utrik. k(Z, Bravo, j) Rongelap Utrik Ailuk Likiep Mejit Otheratolls 4.07 4.07 4.07 1.45 1.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 1.1 1.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 1.2 1.0 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.0 1.0 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.05 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0