

The mission ef the aircraft Decontamination Section during Orcrstion
CASTLE was te enerate a decontamination center for the purpose of reteving residual radieactive matter frem contaminated aircraft assigned
to Task Creup 7.4 and assist if necessary in decontamination of Task
Greup 7,3 aircraft,



In planning fer Operation CaSTLE it was determined that the number
of personnel required for aircraft dacortamination exceeded the number

of personnel authorized end assiged to the 4926th Test Squadren (S,MPLING).
During the early planning it was decided at a Tusk Greup 7.4 planning
conference that the adtitional personnel required weuld be obtained by
utilizing alreraft miintcnance crews and by attaching TOY persennel to .

the section 1s necessary,

During the tufld-up phase one officer wae attached and placed in

charge of the section, Three airmen were already assigned, Twa cf
the assigned airmen had hid cersiderable experience in aircraft decortae
mination turing the previeus three oferations and were assigned as
supervissry NCO'3,
Frem the experience gained following shot "BRAVO" in decontaninatian
of assigned aircraft it was apparent th.t the techniques and utilization

of personnel must be revised,

Entirely too mich time was used ta dccentae

minate aircraft and excessive cxposures were being accumulated by aircraft maintenance persennel who purticirstid in ddcontamination,

The entire precedure for utilization of fersennel was revised with

maintenance crews no longer to participate in decamntemination but rather,

as a result af a joint agreement between the cemmnders of the 493¢+h Teat
Support Greup and Test aircraft Unit (Prov), nen-muintenance persmnnel
would be utilized fer all future atreruft decontamination eperariena,

Persernel were drawn fran 31) non-maintenance activities within the 493&h

Test Support Greup and were assigned to teams of fifteen men eath te
operate on a six hour basis, at this timo the operational centre] ef
the aircraft decentanination section, which had previously been under the
centrol of the 4930th Test Suppert Greup, reverted to the operational epn-

trol of the Nuclear applications Division, Test aircraft Unit (Prov),

This placed all Radtelogical activities under one center and proved to
be the best method of operation for an atomic Task Greup,

additional augmentation fer the scction was received fran the 4930th


mination on “het "ROME",


" Test Support Graup and the Test aircraft Unit (Prev), With the additiena..
support, both from the use of non-maintenance persennel and the sugnenta~tion mentioned awis, much greater enead-~wae achieved in aircraft decontavf



Persennel requiresents fer each shot are discussed in the. apprepriste
stot section,

The original requiremerts fer supplics and material in support ef,

aircraft decontamination were requested by the Nuclear ,pplications
Division, 4926th Test Squaaren (Sampling) prior to everseas movement and

while stationed at Kirtland air Force Base, New Mexice, Requisitions
were placed with Task Creup'7.4 Materiel and supplies were to be plice _

_ in the frward area upon arrival of the unit. ie


Ferspecific hreakdewn of materi we consumed during each shot refer

“to the Haterial Consunptien Chart inc luded in shot section.








Select target paragraph3