Congressman Ataji Balos

rete ge



april.26, 1976

sick call when our doctors are on tha islands,

With regard to the cone .

trol group it is ry wderstanding that the Conzress of Micrenesia included this sroup for benefits as an inducemen: for and compenszation
£. participation in the unmual examt:ations.


Anothar misconcopticn among tha people was that the slight residesl

ccntemination on Rongelap vas the cause of the few thyroid nodules aoted
ta thea umexzosed Rongelao pecpie(actually more nodules occurred in tha
suexposed Rongelav peocia uot living on Rongelao). Attempta were maida

= 9


- 7


=9 axplain that che radiotodines ("thyroid poisci.”} chan caused the thyroid

codulas in the Rongelap seovle was gone (died out) by t= weesxs and so
there was none of this ‘rhyroid p,oison" left - hen the unexposed peoples
moved there. The level or other radioisotopes which are not selectively

absorbed by tha -hyroid (as is radioiodiz2) has teen far too low to be
or consequence in tais regard.



Tt vas a pleasure Aaving John Yaglelgam with us and I am sure ho has
2 much better insight into these vrobl@misas a result. Ye indicated that
yeu may visit the outer islands soon. If 0, I hove vou will ba able to

velo clarify some of the ~immderstandings.

I am atraid some of the

aonpie are >Dlamtag cur medical toam for the stipulacions of the law and
agreement. it was a oisasure seeing you in twajaleina.
Jith best reeards.








CAC? Law


Robert A. Conard, t.0.

Congressman J. Faglelgam.


Select target paragraph3